The line between work and home will have blurred for many of us over the last few months. But for Rachel – one of the account executives in our Customer team – the family connection to tech runs deep! Read on as we discuss VR, crochet, Python and bowling…
You’re one of Seccl’s many lockdown-joiners. How long have you been at Seccl, and what brought you here?
I’ve been at Seccl for three months, so I’ve not seen any of my colleagues other than on a screen, which is kind of strange.
I didn’t go to university. Instead, I set up a virtual reality (VR) business when I was 19. It was called GoVirtually, and provided 360° tours of properties and venues. It would have been in high-demand this year!

Rachel's virtual reality business
The business started off as a way to sell houses, but then evolved to help people. I used the tech to provide people with autism with a way to familiarise themselves with new surroundings, before actually experiencing them in real life.
For example, I did a virtual tour of We The Curious for ten autistic children, so that they could get a sense of the venue through a VR headset. The feedback we had was great.
I always had a natural interest in tech. My dad runs a software development company called Rocket Makers, which just happens to be a next door neighbour to Seccl’s new office, so I’ve always been around tech.
Right before joining Seccl I worked in admin support for a financial adviser. So Seccl provides the perfect place for my combination of skills, experience and interests.
How do you describe what you do to friends?
I just say I’m an account manager and leave it as that. Most people understand – or think they do!
If pushed, I explain that Seccl provides the technology that powers the tools that financial advice or investment firms need to run their business.
As someone who joined a new company when ‘normal’ interviews and face to face interaction aren’t possible, what advice do you have for someone who may be looking for their first job, or even a career change?
You have to keep an open mind. That doesn’t mean settling or compromising your principles, although I appreciate that I was lucky to find a company like Seccl to develop my career with.
But this wasn’t necessarily the job I was looking for, and that’s because this job – and the company – isn’t something you’re really aware of unless you’re in the industry.
I remember that the job advert really stuck out to me and made me curious. And the more I learnt about the company, the more I wanted to know.
I knew I’d be leaving my comfort zone, but I’m so glad that I went for it and ended up here.
So, don’t get blinkered or think that you have to choose a lane and stay in it. If you have the right attitude, good employers will recognise it.

Good attitude is key year-round... during Christmas and when looking for a job
If someone was still unsure about whether to apply for a role at Seccl, how would you convince them to go for it?
I’d say that it’s definitely worth applying if you want a career and not just a job. The amount of experience and knowledge I’ve gained in just three months is amazing, and everyone here tries their best to build you up.
You learn something new every day, whether on the job or through a course. If that appeals to you, then what have you got to lose by applying?
Speaking of learning… have you had the chance to develop any new skills since joining?
I started a course through Udemy just recently, about Python for finance. I don’t know a huge amount about it, so I thought I’d learn. And that sort of sums up the attitude to learning here – you’re highly encouraged to carry on learning and to do so in a way that works for you.
What’s your definition of success – both for you personally, and for the business? And what keeps you motivated at work?
For me personally, happiness is success. Nothing else really matters. And the work you do can be a huge contributing factor to your overall happiness.
For Seccl, it’s about happiness, too, I suppose – but for our clients! Building products that solve real problems for the companies we work with, and delivering a service that makes them smile; that’s success, in my book.
Do you have any highlights from your time at Seccl so far?
Well, this week I got my first client live. And that was really satisfying. Seeing your work translate into something tangible is great.
Until very recently I still hadn’t met anybody that I work with, so not not being in an office together can make it difficult to get to know peoplcde.
But one day Annabel rang me apropos of nothing and we had a good chat about what we’d be doing on the weekend and started to build a relationship – then went for lunch a few weeks back, which was great.
It’s nice to work with people who care about getting to know you beyond your job role.
On that note, what do you do when you’re not doing awesome stuff for Seccl?
I’ve taught myself to crochet, and have been making some unintentionally horrendous teddybears. My next project is making a top for myself. I’m just hoping for more success than I had with the teddybears…
I’m also really family orientated, and love seeing friends. Always in a strictly government-approved way, of course. So for me, an easing of lockdown restrictions and a vaccine can’t come soon enough.
When we’re able to get together as a team again, what would you suggest we all do to get to know each other better?
I’d opt for bowling. There’s food so bad it’s good, drinks that come in jugs, and it’s a great way to learn about people. Bowling is one of those things that lets you find out who’s overtly – or secretly – competitive, and who’s just having fun and is a bit more laid back. Often the people who fall into either camp can come as a surprise.
If you want to work with Rachel and help Seccl to reknit the infrastructure of investments and advice, then check out our careers page to see our open roles. And don’t worry if none of them look totally right. Just get in touch with Rebecca at – and start the conversation!